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LED Strip Lights at PB Tech

Here at PB, we’re proud to offer a great range of strip lights and accessories. From brands like Philips, Brilliant, Yeelight, TP-Link, Nanoleaf - and more!

LED strip lights can be a great way to lift the vibe or add mood lighting to a room or feature wall. 

Types of LED Strip Lights

For bathrooms, bedrooms and kitchens

Nearly any of the LED strip-lights in our range should work for this, keep an eye out for app features.

For outdoors & waterproof

Check any IPX ratings to see if the product you're interested in is water-resistant or water-proof.

FAQ's about LED Strip Lights

No they don't. An LED light strip around an entire room would typically use about 20 watts of power. Short strips use even less. This is about the same overall efficiency as built-in LED lights, which is much better than the old-type incandecent or flourescent.

The tiny bulbs themselves are typically rated 30k to 50k hours. Under normal use that would be at least a few years. However the actual life you get will be determined by the quality of other components in the system like the flex-tape, power adaptor, as well as how it is used and installed.