Same day delivery
PB Tech offers a number of different same day delivery options. You can select your preferred delivery option in the checkout. You can learn more about same day delivery options available at PB Tech below. If you have any questions about our delivery options, please contact us.
Same Day Delivery Options
Uber Delivery Evening Delivery Same Day Delivery Urgent Delivery
Uber Delivery
Get your delivery within 3 hours or less, with live tracking from Uber.
There are few rules and limits with Uber deliveries, please see below.
How it works:
- Order online (, select Uber Delivery in checkout
- Pay and complete order
- Uber will text you a tracking link once a driver has been dispatched
- Meet the Uber driver at your door on arrival
- You may be asked for a PIN code to accept delivery
PIN code required on arrival
For orders above $250, you will need to provide the Uber delivery person with the last 4 digits of the phone number entered in checkout.
Uber Delivery must be chosen in checkout
Make sure to select the correct Uber Delivery method in Checkout, if available.
Do not book your own Uber
We are not setup to hand over your order if you book your own Uber. There are ID and security requirements that un-authorised Uber drivers do not meet.
Other conditions for Uber Delivery
There are some rules and requirements to get your order delivered with Uber. The option may not show in checkout if your order doesn't meet requirements.
Maximum order value
$1,000 is the max amount you can order. This is excluding surcharges and delivery fees, but including GST.
Location requirements
- Within 15km driving distance of a PB Tech store
- Delivery address must be entered from auto-suggest in checkout
The auto-suggested address appears as you start typing in the address field. This is because the address and postcode are valid for Uber to accept the order.
In-stock items only
Products in the order must be all in stock to make Uber Delivery show up. No pre-orders, back-orders or custom made-products.
Cut-off time
Order needs to be made on before 3.00pm, with Uber Delivery selected in checkout.
No heavy or bulky items
Order must be a standard delivery item size, and not overweight. If an item in your order doesn't meet this Uber Delivery will be unavailable.
Restricted categories.
Some products we don't deliver with Uber. Typically these are due to transport safety and security reasons.
Price to deliver
Cost of Uber Delivery will show in the online checkout when you select Delivery > Uber Delivery.
Payment methods
You must use an 'instantly approved' payment type. Eg Credit Card, Online EFTPOS, POLI, Afterpay, Account Credit or Gift Card.
Evening Delivery - Tonight
With the NZ Post Express Tonight evening delivery service you can have your items delivered locally within Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington or Christchurch on the same day by ordering before 1pm (provided they are in stock at PB Tech). This service is convenient if you want your item delivered the same day at a convenient time. Limited amount of deliveries available each day, so be quick.
Delivery Method: Select the 'Evening Delivery' option on the Shipping page of the checkout.
Delivery Time: Items will be delivered between 6.00pm to 9.00pm the same evening as the order (excludes public holidays).
Cut-off time: Order needs to be made before 1:00pm at latest.
Weight Limit: Order must be under 25kg
Price: $12.25
Evening Deliveries are only available for Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington or Christchurch residential addresses displayed within the red areas below. Evening Deliveries are not available on Sunday for Auckland and weekends for Hamilton, Wellington or Christchurch and on public holidays.
- If you have chosen 'Bank Transfer' or 'Internet Banking (Pay with POLi) with ANZ Bank' as your payment option, there will be a delay of 1 working day.
- There will be delays in delivery if any items are not in stock at our Head Office or require to be specially ordered.
Same Day Delivery (Hamilton & Tauranga Only)
If our PB Tech Hamilton or Tauranga stores have your order in-stock and your order is being delivered to an address in the same city as the store with stock. If you place your order before 11am and select Same Day Delivery in the checkout, your order will be delivered by 5pm the same day. This service is convenient if you want your item delivered the same day at a convenient time.
Delivery Method: Select the 'Same Day Delivery' option on the Shipping page of the checkout.
Delivery Time: Items will be delivered before 5:00pm the same day as the order (excludes public holidays).
Cut-off time: Order needs to be made before 11:00am at latest.
Weight Limit: Order must be under 20kg
Price: calculated in the checkout based on the delivery address.
- If you have chosen 'Bank Transfer' or 'Internet Banking (Pay with POLi) with ANZ Bank' as your payment option, there will be a delay of 1 working day.
- Unavailable on weekends.
3-hour Urgent Delivery (Auckland Only)
Have your order delivered locally within Auckland and arrive within 3 hours when ordered before 1:30pm (excludes public holidays).
Cut-off time: Order needs to be made before 1:30pm at latest.
Weight Limit: Order must be under 20kg
Price: calculated in the checkout based on the delivery address.
- Delivery address must be within the listed suburbs below.
- If you have chosen 'Bank Transfer' or 'Internet Banking (Pay with POLi) with ANZ Bank' as your payment option, there will be a delay of 1 working day.
- There will be delays in delivery if any items are not in stock at our Head Office or require to be specially ordered
Airport Albany Alfriston Ardmore Avondale Balmoral Bayswater Beachhaven Belmont Birkdale Birkenhead Blockhouse Bay Botany Downs Browns Bay Bucklands Beach Campbells Bay Castor Bay CBD Central Park Chatswood Cheltenham Clendon Clover Park Cockle Bay College Hill Conifer Grove Constitution Hill Dannemora Devonport Drury East Tamaki Eastern Beach Ellerslie Epsom Epsom North Farm Cove Flat Bush Forrest Hill Freemans Bay French Bay Glen Eden Glen Innes Glendene Glendowie Glenfield (Industrial) Glenfield (Residential) Goodward Heights Grafton Green Bay Greenhithe Greenlane North Greenlane South Greenmount Greenwoods Cnr |
Grey Lynn Half Moon Bay Hauraki Corner Henderson Herald Island Herne Bay Highbury Highland Park Hill Park Hillcrest Hillsborough Homai Howick Hunters Corner Kelston Kingsland Kohimarama Konini Lincoln Lincoln Heights Lincoln North Long Bay Lynfield Mairangi Bay (Industrial) Mairangi Bay (Residential) Mangere Mangere Bridge Mangere East Manukau City Manurewa Massey Meadowbank Middlemore Milford Mission Bay Morningside Mt Albert Mt Eden (Cityend) Mt Eden (South) Mt Roskill Mt Wellington Murrays Bay New Lynn New Windsor Newmarket Newton Northcote Northcross One Tree Hill Onehunga Orakei Oranga Oratia |
Otahuhu Otara Owairaka Pakuranga Panmure Papakura Papatoetoe Parnell Penrose Ponsonby Pt Chevalier Pt England Ranui Red Hill Remuera Rosebank Rothesay Bay Royal Heights Royal Oak Sandringham St Heliers St Johns St Lukes St Marys Bay Sunnyhills Sunnynook Sunnyvale Swanson Takanini Takapuna Te Atatu Te Papapa Three Kings Titirangi Torbay Totara Heights Unsworth Heights Waiake Waikowhai Waima Wairau Park Waterview Wattle Downs West Harbour Western Springs Westhaven Westmere Weymouth Whenuapai Wiri Wood Bay Woodlands Park |