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1. Only available if you’re in a 5G area and have a 5G capable device. 2. Source Consumer Trusted 2016–19, Consumer NZ People’s Choice 2016–19 Canstar Blue ‘Most Satisfied Customers’ mobile prepaid 2015–20.
Plans: ($9, $17, $27, $40, $50, $70) Plan renews every 28 days (unless cancelled). ($9) Texts and Mins are to NZ & AU mobiles & standard landlines only. ($17, $27) Unused Rollover Data and Min remains valid for 12 months, and can be used while your Rollover Plan is active. ($9, $17, $27, $40, $50, $70) Texts and Rollover Mins are to NZ & Australian mobiles & standard landlines. Premium rate numbers excluded. Use in NZ only. ($40, $50, $70) Endless (4 week) mobile data plans: Hotspotting included. Speeds reduced after Max Speed Data allowance exceeded. No rollover or gifting. ($20) Plans last 7 days. Weekly plans auto-renew every 7 days if you have enough credit from date of purchase (unless cancelled). Hotspotting included. Max speeds reduce after 10GB. No rollover or gifting. Standard Rates: $0.40 is our standard prepay rate for NZ calling per minute and per 1mb data. $0.20 is our standard prepay rate per text to any NZ number. For full T&Cs see skinny.co.nz.