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Apple's New Ways to Lead and Connect Leadership Webinar Series

Event Details

25 August 2020, 10:00am - 11:00am

Virtual - register to receive link to event

At Apple, we set the bar high for our technology because we’ve seen the difference it can make in educators’ and students’ lives.


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All around the world, the most innovative schools have something in common - strong leadership.

Their leaders are deeply committed to exploring all possibilities and bridging the gap between student’s current lives and the future they’ll graduate into.

At Apple, we set the bar high for our technology because we’ve seen the difference it can make in educators’ and students’ lives.

Join us for this 4-part series that aims to share best practice in what has been an unprecedented time in education.

You will hear from renowned leaders, innovative school principals and visionaries, and have the opportunity to connect with leaders
across Australia and New Zealand.

Four key themes will be explored in each week’s webinar starting Tuesday, 4 August.

Week 1 - Leading on the Edge
Tuesday 4 August, 10:00 am - 11:00am
Journey with Antarctic Expedition Leader Rachael Robertson as she shares her story of leadership during adversity.

Week 2 - Vision & Culture
Tuesday 11 August, 10:00 am - 11:00am
Hear our panel’s insights into what priorities have changed for them, and which have been cemented into their ongoing school vision as a result of the pandemic.

Week 3 - Community & Connection
Tuesday 18 August, 10:00 am - 11:00am
Gain insights into how our panel use Apple technology to not only maintain, but strengthen connections with their school and broader community during this time.

Week 4 - Capacity
Tuesday 25 August, 10:00 am - 11:00am
Learn about how our panel navigated this time of uncertainty whilst simultaneously building the capacity of their team. It will be an opportunity to hear their reflections and
insights on what worked, what didn’t and their plans for the future.

Register now to receive your login details for the event